Item No. 7.1

Council Report: C 177/2019

Subject: Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments initiated by the City of Windsor to permit additional dwelling units within residential areas (City-wide) - File No. OPA 130 [OPA/5927] and Z-016/19 [ZNG/5926]


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT Official Plan Amendment No. 130 as shown in Appendix A regarding new policies authorizing the use of additional dwelling units BE APPROVED; and,
  2. THAT an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 as shown in Appendix B permitting additional dwelling units BE APPROVED; and,

  3. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare the associated amending by-laws to implement these amendments.




Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 amended parts of the Planning Act to improve the affordable housing system and require municipalities to establish Official Plan policies and zoning that authorize the use of additional residential units.

Additional residential units were previously referred to as second units and were originally mandated in 2011 under Bill 140 the Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act. Also known as accessory or basement apartments, secondary suites, accessory dwelling units, and in-law flats, additional residential units are self-contained