All development on the parcel is subject to site plan control.

The exemption is consistent with the direction of the Official Plan. However, Transport Terminal is not permitted as a main use in the MD1.1 zoning.

The parcel is located within a business and industrial park that has roads designed and constructed to handle heavy truck traffic. Paving of the site will mitigate the tracking of dirt, dust and mud onto municipal streets.

The proposed Transport Terminal will have minimal impact on surrounding infrastructure.

The parcel is located on the fringe of the existing industrial area. To the north, west and south are a range of industrial uses. The western limit of the industrial area is adjacent to Devonshire Mall and transitions from industrial uses to a mix of light industrial, Business Park and commercial uses. Vacant land abutting the subject parcel to the east is zoned MD1.1, the zoning category is the same as the subject parcel.

The nearest residential use is located about 91 metres east of the subject parcel and is a sensitive land use.

The proposed Transport Terminal IS proximate to a sensitive land use.

The proximity of sensitive land uses is a significant concern. There is a conflict between the Transport Terminal use and the sensitive land uses. This is a problem that the study will examine.

Additional mitigation measures may be required to permit a Transport Terminal on the property. This is another issue that the study will examine. There is a moderate to significant risk that a proposed Transport Terminal could be created that is not compatible with the nearby sensitive land uses.

There is a likelihood that additional mitigation measures will be necessary in order to permit a Transport Terminal.

The Planning Division is recommending that the request for exemption be denied due to a Transport Terminal not being permitted as a main use in the MD1.1 zoning district, due to the proximity of a sensitive land use, and due to the likelihood that additional mitigation measures may be necessary.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:


Jason Campigotto, Site Plan Approval Officer; Wira Vendrasco, Deputy City Solicitor; Rob Vani, Manager of Inspections (BBO) / Deputy Chief Building Official