VARIETY   as they pass through the various stages of their lives. Residents will have a voice in how this new housing fits within their neighbourhood. As the city grows, more housing opportunities will mean less sprawl onto agricultural and natural lands.
DISTINCTIVENEIGHBOURHOODCHARACTER Windsor will keep much of what gives its existing neighbourhoods their character – trees and greenery, heritage structures and spaces, distinctive area identities, parks, and generally low profile development outside the City Centre. Around the neighbourhood centres, the existing character of the neighbourhood will be retained and enhanced. Newly developing areas will be planned to foster their own unique neighbourhood identities with a mixture of homes, amenities and services.
4.2 Objectives
4.2.1 Healthy and Liveable City
CLIMATE PROTECTION To protect against climate change and its possible adverse effects on human health, the physical environment, economy and quality of life.
AGING IN PLACE To encourage a mix of housing types and services to allow people to remain in their neighbourhoods as they age.
4.2.3 Quality of Life
COMMUNITY NEEDS To recognize the needs of the community in terms of shelter, support services, accessibility and mobility.
HOUSING MIX To accommodate the appropriate range and mix of housing.
5.4 Environmental Management
5.4.1 Objectives
FLOODPLAINS & SHORELINES To protect human life and property located within and adjacent to floodplains and shorelines.
5.4.6 Floodplain Areas Policies
The following policies apply to lands within the Floodplain Areas designated on Schedule C: Development Constraint Areas and should be read in conjunction with the Infrastructure chapter of this Plan. Floodplains contain both a floodway (where flood depths and velocities are the greatest) and a flood fringe.
FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARIES The Floodplain Areas subject to the following policies were determined in consultation with the Essex Region Conservation Authority and follow the general boundaries shown on Schedule C: Development Constraint Areas.
FLOODWAY Council will prohibit new development within the floodway of inland watercourses. The Municipality, in consultation with the Essex Region Conservation Authority, will identify the floodway on a site-specific basis and may include it in secondary plans and/or the zoning by-law as appropriate.