FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARIES The Floodplain Areas subject to the following policies were determined in consultation with the Essex Region Conservation Authority and follow the general boundaries shown on Schedule C: Development Constraint Areas.
FLOODWAY Council will prohibit new development within the floodway of inland watercourses. The Municipality, in consultation with the Essex Region Conservation Authority, will identify the floodway on a site-specific basis and may include it in secondary plans and/or the zoning by-law as appropriate.
DEVELOPMENT WITHIN FLOODPLAIN Council will prohibit buildings or structures in Floodplain Areas except:
  1. in accordance with policies set out below; and
  2. works and facilities related to flood and erosion control.
DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA Council may permit development in a floodplain in recognized flood fringe areas outside of the floodway, including behind flood control dykes (so as to address the matter of the potential failure of protective works) provided:
  1. sufficient information accompanies the application to show that the proposed development and its occupants will be protected from the effects of a Regulatory Flood;
  2. the potential upstream and downstream impacts of the development proposal will not significantly affect the hydrology or hydraulics of the floodplain; and
  3. that adequate floodproofing measures, determined in consultation with the Essex Region Conservation Authority, are incorporated in the development.
MINOR ADDITIONS Council may permit renovations, minor additions and alterations to existing buildings or structures in the floodplain provided:
  1. no adverse affects on the hydraulic characteristics of flood flows are created; and
  2. such renovations, additions or alterations are generally flood proofed to the Regulatory Flood elevation with reductions as determined appropriate and feasible.
6.3 Residential
6.3.1 Objectives
RANGE OF FORMS & TENURES To support a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods.
6.3.2 Policies
AFFORDABLE HOUSING Council shall encourage assisted housing.the provision of affordable and social
SPECIAL NEEDS Council shall encourage the provision of housing to meet the needs of special segments of Windsor’s population such as the physically challenged.