The existing building has been under utilized for a number of years. The main floor commercial has been vacant and not rented for a number of years. The neighbourhood of the subject building is mixed use with existing residential along Sandwich Street. The adaptive re-use and rejuvenation of the existing building, in my professional opinion, is well suited to residential apartment units and would suit the neighbourhood as a low profile multiplex.

As well, in my professional opinion, the minor exterior modifications and adaptative re-use of the interior of the building will help to encourage, in my professional opinion, other under-utilized and somewhat derelict buildings in the neighbourhood fronting Sandwich St. to rejuvenate and upgrade, spurning on a neighbourhood improvement.

In my professional opinion, the requested ZBA makes sound planning for many different reasons but mainly will result in the efficient and effective re-use of an existing building and infrastructure for the provision of alternative residential apartment units. The structure is sound with existing infrastructure in place that will only require minor changes to the building to accommodate the 6 residential units.

Official Plan policies for the ‘Residential’ designation recognize and support the re-establishment of historical building profiles and revitalization of buildings and streetscapes. With the change of the existing building from 4 residential apartment units and 2 commercial main floor to a low profile, 6 unit residential building will allow the building to be maintained and support the re-adaptive and re-use of the existing infrastructure.

With the conversion of the main floor from commercial (a heavy parking requirement land use) to residential (a low parking requirement land use), there will be 7 parking spaces added to the rear of the building and a greater utilization of municipal buses.

The re-development of the existing structure supports the healthy community initiative of both the Province and the City of Windsor.

In my professional opinion the requested ZBA:
  1. is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statements;

  2. conforms with relevant policies of the City of Windsor Official Plan;

  3. maintains the intent of the City of Windsor By-law 8600 and when the ZBA is passed, it will establish the regulatory framework required for the development to comply with the CZB;

  4. makes sound planning.

Lassaline Planning Consultants Inc.

Jackie Lassaline BA MCIP RPP

Principal Planner Owner