Section 6.3 Residential

“The lands designated as “Residential” on Schedule D: Land Use provide the main locations for housing in Windsor outside of the City Centre Planning District. In order to develop safe, caring and diverse neighbourhoods, opportunities for a broad range of housing types and complementary services and amenities are provided.”


The subject building is located within a neighbourhood of a mix of uses: residential multiplex, single, detached residences, and commercial uses.

The applicant is proposing to adapt the main floor vacant commercial space with 2 residential units with the upgrade of the 4 rental apartments on the second floor for a total of 6 residential apartments. The conversion will result in a small scale, low profile structure. The existing structure has existed in the neighbourhood for over 50 years. As a conversion, the building is better suited as a small scale, low profile building within the mixed use neighbourhood.

The adaptive reuse of this building, the preservation of a sound building, the provision of needed apartment residential units, and the adaptive reuse of an existing building in a mixed use neighbourhood in my professional opinion can be considered sound planning and supports the policy direction of the OP.

Section Residential

“Residential development shall be located where: (a) there is access to a collector or arterial road; (b) full municipal physical services can be provided; (c) adequate community services and open spaces are available or are planned; and (d) public transportation service can be provided.”


As discussed, the building is existing and will only have minor exterior cosmetic modifications and will only undergo minor interior modifications to accommodate an additional 2 residential units for a total of 6 residential apartment units.

Due to the limitations of the existing building and the site and building configuration, the conversion of the main floor commercial to residential and the upgrade of the existing 4 units will result in a low profile, small scale building.