primary dwelling unit) or a building accessory to the primary dwelling unit located on the same lot.
  1. must be located on lands designated for residential use on Schedules D and E;
  2. shall not be located within any part of a basement or cellar (i.e. part of a building below grade) within the floodplain areas shown on Schedule C; and
  3. outside of the floodplain areas shown on Schedule C, shall not be located within any part of a basement or cellar (i.e. part of a building below grade) unless the following criteria have been met to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official or City Engineer:
    1. Eavestrough downspouts are disconnected from the City of Windsor’s sewer system;
    2. A sump pump has been installed; and
    3. Where possible a backflow sanitary valve has been installed in the second unit.
SECOND UNIT REQUIREMENTS A second unit shall be permitted within the primary dwelling unit or building accessory to the primary dwelling unit subject to the following criteria:
  1. The second unit conforms with the definition and location requirements set out in and;
  2. No additional dwelling units are present in the primary dwelling unit or buildings accessory to primary dwelling unit;
  3. The second unit must be subordinate in scale and function to the primary dwelling unit and the Zoning By-law may regulate the gross floor area of the second unit;
  4. Parking can be accommodated where required by the Zoning By-law;
  5. Where located on a property identified on the Municipal Heritage Register or within a Heritage Area identified on Schedule G the second unit must not alter the exterior of an existing primary or accessory building visible from the street or other public space unless it is demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the City Planner, that the proposed alteration would not detract from the cultural heritage value and attributes of the property or Heritage Area; and
  6. The second unit complies with health and safety standards and the second unit has been constructed in accordance with a building permit.
REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO A SECOND A second unit within a building that is accessory to a single-detached, semi-detached, or a rowhouse dwelling is permitted subject to the following criteria: