exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter, section 3 of the Planning Act requires that decisions affecting planning matters “shall be consistent with” policy statements issued under the Act.

Section 1.1 of the PPS, entitled ‘Managing and Directing Land Use to Achieve Efficient and Resilient Development and Land Use Patterns’, provides direction regarding healthy, livable and safe communities. In particular, the PPS states that second units are a means of accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential dwellings.

This section of the PPS also directs growth and development to existing settlement areas and requires the identification and promotion of opportunities for intensification.

Section 1.4, entitled ‘Housing’, requires planning authorities to provide for an appropriate range and mix of housing types by permitting and facilitating residential intensification, including second units. This section also requires the establishment of development standards for residential intensification, which minimize the cost of housing, facilitate compact form, and maintain appropriate levels of public health and safety.

Section 1.6, entitled ‘Infrastructure’, clearly states that municipal sewage and water systems are the preferred form of servicing for settlement areas. It also requires that planning for stormwater management shall not increase risks to human health and safety and property damage.

Section 3, entitled ‘Protecting Public Health and Safety’, prohibits development within the floodway and permits development within portions of the floodplain where it has been designed in accordance with flood proofing standards and vehicles and people have a safe way to enter and exit during times of flooding.

Figure 1: Provincial Policy Statement Excerpts

1.0 Building Strong Healthy Communities
1.1 Managing and Directing Land Use to Achieve Efficient and Resilient Development and Land Use Patterns
1.1.1 Healthy, liveable and safe communities are sustained by:
  • a) promoting efficient development and land use patterns which sustain the financial well-being of the Province and municipalities over the long term;
  • b) accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential (including second units, affordable housing and housing for older persons), employment (including industrial and commercial), institutional (including places of worship, cemeteries and long-term care homes), recreation, park and open space, and other uses to meet long-term needs;
  • c) avoiding development and land use patterns which may cause environmental or public health and safety concerns;
  • e) promoting cost-effective development patterns and standards to minimize land consumption and servicing costs;
  • f) improving accessibility for persons with disabilities and older persons by identifying, preventing and removing land use barriers which restrict their full participation in society;
1.1.3Settlement Areas