Applicable PPS Sections can by found in detail in the Appendix B of this report.

PPS provides policy direction for appropriate development taking into consideration efficient use of land and resources, accommodating an appropriate mix of residential uses and supporting active transportation and public transit. The PPS recognizes that land use must be managed to meet the full range of current and future needs, while protecting public safety and the natural environment.

The proposed additional dwelling units on the ground floor contribute to the building of a strong healthy community as per policy 1.1.1 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h) of PPS. The proposed amendments are consistent with the PPS as follows:

The proposed dwelling units focus growth and development within a settlement area and existing building stock and supports active transportation, as per policy,, and The proposed amendments are consistent with the PPS as follows:

The applicable PPS sections promote the vitality of the existing settlements recognizing the importance of long-term prosperity of these communities while minimizing the unnecessary public expenditures.

The requested amendments will facilitate the proposed re-use of an existing building and promotes a healthy, liveable and safe community. The recommended amendments are consistent with the general direction of the PPS as referenced above.