The City of Windsor has also been provided with the recently published ERCA Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines. ERCA recommends that the EIA guidelines be applied to the subject application and an appropriate assessment be completed in support of the application. The ERCA Environmental Impact Assessment Guideline is available online here:


ERCA recommends that an Environmental Impact Assessment be completed in support of the subject application consistent with current provincial and ERCA Board-approved policy direction.

Transit Windsor:

Transit Windsor has no objections to this development. We currently have our South Windsor 7 route along that section of Howard with plans for a route to remain there with our recently approved Transit Master Plan by City Council. This could potentially change as development occurs as we may look to service further into that subdivision area by having a route along Maguire.

Canada Post:

Thank you for contacting Canada Post regarding plans for a proposed new multi-unit residential development in the City of Windsor. Please see Canada Post’s feedback regarding the proposal, below.

Service type and location

1. Canada Post will provide mail delivery service to the subdivision through centralized Community Mail Boxes (CMBs).

2. If the development includes plans for (a) multi-unit building(s) with a common indoor entrance, the developer must supply, install and maintain the mail delivery equipment within these buildings to Canada Post’s specifications.

Municipal requirements

1. Please update our office if the project description changes so that we may determine the impact (if any).

2. Should this subdivision application be approved, please provide notification of the new civic addresses as soon as possible.

Developer timeline and installation

1. Please provide Canada Post with the excavation date for the first foundation/first phase as well as the date development work is scheduled to begin. Finally, please provide the expected installation date(s) for the CMB(s).