Appendix H


Planning, Kristina Tang

There is no apparent built heritage concern with this property.

The property is located in a low archaeological potential area and does not require an archaeological assessment. Nevertheless, the Applicant should be notified of the following archaeological precaution.

  1. Should archaeological resources be found during grading, construction or soil removal activities, all work in the area must stop immediately and the City’s Planning & Building Department, the City’s Manager of Cultural Affairs, and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport must be notified and confirm satisfaction of any archaeological requirements before work can recommence.

  2. In the event that human remains are encountered during grading, construction or soil removal activities, all work in that area must be stopped immediately and the site secured. The local police or coroner must be contacted to determine whether or not the skeletal remains are human, and whether the remains constitute a part of a crime scene. The Local police or coroner will then notify the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Registrar at the Ministry of Consumer Services if needed, and notification and satisfactory confirmation be given by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.



Hydro Engineering: No Objection, provided adequate clearances are achieved and maintained. ENWIN has existing overhead pole lines along the south limits of the site with 27,600 volt primary and 120/240 volt secondary hydro distribution. ENWIN has existing overhead pole lines along the west limits of the site with 16,000 volt primary and 120/240 volt secondary hydro distribution.

Prior to working in these areas, we would suggest notifying your contractor and referring to the