(c) Installing signalized pedestrian refuge median islands where warranted;
(d) Maintaining the structural integrity of all existing pedestrian network and walkway connections in neighbourhoods;
(e) Ensuring the natural surveillance of all existing pedestrian walkway connections in neighbourhoods to optimize safety such that the amount of unobservable space is minimized;
(f) Requiring street lighting;
(g) Requiring that all new residential subdivisions incorporate traffic calming measures consistent with the Traffic Calming Policy; and
(h) Providing special sidewalk treatments at all intersections to make visible the location of the pedestrian crossing to drivers and to provide a tactile warning to visually impaired pedestrians that they are about to cross a roadway.
- Council shall encourage the development of a peaceful atmosphere in residential areas by:
Maintaining an adequate system of Collector and Arterial roads to serve residential areas;
Requiring the provision of appropriate noise control measures and off-street parking;
Locating medium and high density residential development along Collector and Arterial roads; and
Requiring the construction of sidewalks in accordance with policy;
Requiring that traffic calming devices be included in the road design of any new residential subdivision in accordance with the Traffic Calming Policy;
Applying the principles of the Traffic Calming Policy to existing roads in residential areas by ensuring that traffic calming is considered as part of any neighbourhood management plan and that traffic calming devices are placed where deemed to be necessary; and
Requiring that the impact of noise and the feasibility of achieving noise control objectives must be considered as factors in determining the design of residential areas and that noise barriers be considered only when it has been demonstrated that alternate noise abatement solutions are not feasible.
- All proponents of development may be required to complete a Traffic Impact Study to support the feasibility of a proposal, and if feasible, identify appropriate traffic management measures, in accordance with the Procedures chapter of this Plan.