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LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT – Stefan Fediuk, August 20, 2019
In collaboration with Parks Department, there are no objections to the proposed development.

Parks approves of the parkland being conveyed to augment the parkland of the Little River Corridor Naturalized Area, since the proposed parkland has been identified by MNRF as naturally significant as well as the City’s Heritage Planner as archeologically significant. Parks intension is to acquire the lands are part of the inventory of green space to help preserve significantly important natural areas as per REDISCOVR OUR PARKS (the City of Windsor’s Parks and

In similar situations there has been evidence of encroachment by the abutting residences into such land. Therefore it is recommended, that in addition to the standard one tree per unit as proscribed by the current 4th edition of the City of Windsor’s Landscape Requirement for Development, and as required in section 4.8 Dedicated Parkland, Clause 4.8.15 Fencing the developer shall install a non-permeable (no gates) 1.8m (6ft) fence between the boundaries of the proposed residences and the proposed parkland (Block 35 of the Draft Plan:J-794’A’) and the existing parkland of Little river Corridor, as a Condition of the Subdivision development.

The developer is not required to develop the land however, Parkland Development Fees are to be collected as per the Planning Act.

MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS & HOUSING (MMAH) – Marion-Frances Cabral, Dec. 11, 2019

PROPERTY ASSESSMENT – Jose Mejalli, July 22, 2019

We have no objection to the zoning amendment allowing residential development by way of plan of subdivision.

TRANSIT WINDSOR – Jason Scott, July 22, 2019

Transit Windsor has no objections to this development. We currently have one bus route servicing the portion of Wyandotte St E that this proposed subdivision is off of with 1 bus stop right at the corner of Florence. We are finalizing our transit master plan this fall, but service would only be enhanced in this area or maintained, not diminished.

TRANSPORTATION PLANNER – Juan Paramo, August 9, 2019