Overall, Transportation Planning supports the subject Zoning By-law amendment subject to the following requirements:

WINDSOR FIRE & RESCUE SERVICES – John Lee, July 22, 2019
No concerns from WFRS to rezone.

WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE - Barry Horrobin, September 5, 2019

I feel the proposed application to convert this currently vacant agricultural land parcel to a residential development represents a reasonable and appropriate form of infill development on the subject lands that will not negatively impact public safety. I would like to bring forward the following features of this plan of subdivision from the perspective of optimizing safety and security that should be considered as the application moves through the approval process:

The application calls for the construction of two different dwelling types (single detached and semi-detached dwellings). It is important to remember in new subdivisions such as this to ensure the resultant design will allow for each individual property to be easily identified in the event of an emergency. This is so that police responders can accurately locate the right address where an emergency call for assistance is required. Therefore, it is very important that each separate dwelling unit have a prominently displayed address number that is at least 5” high, is of a contrasting colour to the backdrop onto which it is mounted, and can be easily seen from the