Public Gallery

As there is only room for 25 people in the Council/Administration area of the Chambers, there would only be room for an additional 6 members of Administration to attend the meetings in person. Alternatively, members of Administration could attend in the Public Gallery which would currently allow for 32 additional people, however using the space in that way would then limit the number of attendees from the public.

Further, it is recognized that, until there is a vaccine for COVID 19, there will be risk of community spread of the virus and that in person attendance at any public function, even with social distancing rules in place, should be undertaken with care and consideration. Should Council decide to re-instate public meetings in the Council Chambers, all recommended Health & Safety measures must be implemented such as:

  1. Clear demarcation of where attendees can sit to maintain a 6 foot separation;

  2. Directional arrows throughout the Chambers to control traffic control to further maintain social distancing;

  3. Cleaning and disinfection of the delegation areas between every delegate;

  4. Regular cleaning of the common touch areas of the Chambers; and

  5. Registration of the names of all attendees of each meeting for contract tracing purposes should the need arise.

Council Services is unaware of any large City or Region that is planning to return solely to in person, public meetings.

With respect to In Camera Meetings, the In Camera meeting room will only accommodate 10-12 people once social distancing measures are implemented. Usually there are 18-20 people at any given In Camera Meeting.

c) Implement a “hybrid” approach of both electronic and in person attendance:

A third option would be to implement a hybrid approach in which persons wishing to attend Council meetings in person could do so, subject to the limitations noted in option (b) above and those who prefer to participate electronically could also choose that option. Further, delegates could attend electronically or in person.