In this option, open meetings would continue solely in the Zoom Meeting format, however, live delegations would be accommodated commencing in August, 2020. In Camera Meetings would continue to be held via teleconference.

Council Services has polled other large Cities and Regions across the Province and to date, of the Cities that have responded, those that plan to continue with solely electronic meetings are:

b) Re-instate in person Council Meetings, held in the Council Chambers:

Once the City of Windsor enters Stage 3 of the Provincial re-opening plan, it will be possible for public gatherings of up to 50 people to be held (noting that this number does not include employees of the entity holding the meeting and so would exclude Administration). Therefore, in person City Council meetings could resume, however, social distancing rules must still be maintained and so participants in any such meeting will need to maintain a distance of 6 feet from one another.

In anticipation of moving to Stage 3 of the Provincial re-opening plan, Administration has evaluated the space parameters of the Council Chambers and has determined that a total of 63 persons can be present in the Chambers while maintaining social distancing. This number is comprised of 38 people in the public gallery (including those seated at the media and delegation tables) and 25 in the Council/Administration area of Chambers (please refer to the diagram attached as Appendix A) to this report.

A further breakdown of the possible composition of attendees at a Council Meeting is as follows:

Council/ Administration Area:

                  TOTAL    19