self-isolate when they experience COVID symptoms, are awaiting COVID test results or are required quarantine while recovering from the virus. The Welcome Centre increased its number of regular beds by one and its crash mats by two. The Salvation Army maintained is 26 funded beds, but decreased its overflow beds by two. The Downtown Mission established 5 beds that can be used for isolation. The City of Windsor also leased two motel/hotel properties to serve as COVID Isolation and Recovery Centres (IRCs) for people experiencing homelessness. The iCheckINN Motel (IRC1) began operations on April 1, 2020, offering 29 rooms and is operated by the Welcome Centre, with virtual health supports being provided by the Windsor Essex Community Health Centre (weCHC). The Comfort Suites began operations on May 1, 2020, offering 42 rooms and is jointly operated by the City of Windsor and Welcome Centre, with onsite health supports from Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH). As a result of the very little demand for the 71 rooms offered at the two IRCs, it was determined that only IRC2 would need to continue operations after May 25.

Emergency Shelter Services Amidst Initial Pandemic Phase

ShelterServiceProvider Shelter Client Group Regular Beds Overflow Beds / Crash mats Total Regular Beds / Crash mats Isolation Rooms
Salvation Army Men 18 years and older 26 2 28  
Welcome Centre Shelter for Women Women 18 years and older 13 7 20  
Motel -Families with dependants under age 18 -Couples -Overflow of single women when shelter is over capacity 10 rooms 14 rooms provided on average in 2019 24  
Isolation & Recovery Centre 1 -people experiencing homelessness who need to self-isolate due to COVID symptoms, awaiting COVID test results, or quarantining while recovering from the virus       29
WelcomeCentre andCity ofWindsor Isolation & Recovery Centre 2       42
Downtown Mission Anyone over the age of 16 103 0 103 5
Total 152 23 175 76