3.0 Current State of Emergency Shelter Services in Windsor Essex

Windsor Essex’s Emergency Shelter Services

Windsor Essex’s emergency shelter system has spaces for women and men 28 and utilizes motels for families. There are 151 emergency shelter beds offered by the Welcome Centre Shelter for Women & Families, the Salvation Army and the Downtown Mission, which are outlined in the following table. The City of Windsor provides funding through the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative for emergency shelter services at the Welcome Centre which includes 12 beds for women and 10 motel rooms for families, and to the Salvation Army for 26 beds for men. The Downtown Mission is benevolently funded. It should be noted that although the Salvation Army is contracted for 26 beds, it uses up to the 30 beds that it has available. Also, while 10 motel rooms are core-funded under contract, an average of 24 beds are occupied. In total, the three shelter service providers provide up to 174 beds. It is also recognized that there are additional shelters with varying funding sources that serve survivors of domestic violence, women, men, youth, families, and refugees. There are currently no emergency shelter beds located in the County of Essex. County residents have to access shelter services in Windsor. Transportation may be provided for Essex County residents who are eligible for emergency shelter services.

Emergency Shelter Service Providers Serving Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Pre-Pandemic

ShelterServiceProvider Shelter Client Group Beds OverflowBeds /Crash mats Total Beds / Crash mats
Salvation Army Men 18 years and older 26 4 30
Welcome Centre Shelter for Women Women 18 years and older 12 5 17
Motel -Families with dependants under age 18-Couples -Overflow of single women when shelter is over capacity 10 rooms 14 rooms provided on average in 2019 24
Downtown Mission Anyone over the age of 16 103 35 138
Total 151 58 209

In response to the pandemic, communities had to make adjustments to emergency shelter services to provide appropriate physical distancing and establish locations for people experiencing homelessness to