Final Recommendation Summary Report
Mitigation of Impacts
The City of Windsor is committed to minimizing potential impacts on people and the environment and will implement the following where appropriate:
Construction and Maintenance
Considering input from neighbours in discussions on design, landscaping and park improvements for pumping stations and ponds;
Informing neighbours about upcoming construction and any temporary impacts on access;
Using construction best management practices to minimize disruption such as controlling dust and following noise by-laws; and
Expansion of maintenance programs to include proposed infrastructure.
Property Impacts
Easements for proposed infrastructure for maintenance;
Property acquisition or easements where necessary to implement solutions; and
Incorporating legal status onto flood protection features on private property.
Archaeological Resources
Completing in-field archaeological assessments prior to construction and notifying appropriate agencies, should unexpected resources be recovered during construction.
Natural Environment
Minimizing tree removal and replacing any trees removed.
Development of mitigation plans to protect terrestrial and aquatic habitat.