Final Recommendation Summary Report

Regional Area Flood Risk Mitigation Projects Prioritization

Priority Regional Area Surface Flooding
Immediate Priority DMAF Round 1 ProjectsDMAF Round 3 Projects (Pending Funding)
High Priority Storm Problem Areas 1 and 2 - Riverside Ford Blvd to Lauzon Road
Storm Problem Area 3 and 4 - Fontainebleau and Lauzon Parkway
Medium Priority Storm Problem Area 7 - Central/Pillette/Grand Marais
Storm Problem Area 8 - Southwood Lakes
Low Priority Storm Problem Area 5 - Blue Heron Pond
Storm Problem Area 6 - Pontiac and East Marsh Drainage Area

Coastal Flood Risk Mitigation Project Prioritization

Priority Projects
Immediate Priority (0- 8 years) Area 1: Riverside Drive East, Ford Blvd. to St. Rose. Ave.(To be constructed as part of the Riverside Vista Phase 2A Project and pending funding through DMAF)
High Priority Area 2: Riverside Drive East, St. Rose Ave. to Riverdale Ave. and Backflow PreventionMeasures.Area 3: East Riverside Area, Riverdale Ave. to East City limits (Ganatchio Trail) andBackflow Prevention Measures.