annual operational budget and or the 2023 Asset Management Plan, as appropriate, to ensure the City is able to keep these assets in good working order to achieve the benefits associated with them.


Melissa Osborne – Senior Manager of Asset Planning
Victor Ferranti – Manager of Capital Budget & Reserves
Carrie McCrindle – Financial Planning
Dwayne Dawson – Operations
Rob Slater – Executive Initiatives Coordinator


The Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan will serve as a guiding document for the City of Windsor through having identified recommendations both short-term and long-term that will reduce the risk and impact of flooding in the municipality.

The Final Recommendations Summary of the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan is provided to Council for endorsement and consideration during future capital planning.

The implementation of immediate short term projects/programs, which includes mandatory downspout disconnection pilot program and monitoring, sealing of maintenance hole covers in low lying areas and the development of an educational program, will provide both relief to the system as well as valuable information to be used to prioritize future projects. Further, there is an opportunity to incorporate recommended storm sewer, sanitary sewer, LID’s and regrading as part of the Lauzon Parkway Road Rehabilitation and there would be efficiencies in completing this work under one contract.

In summary, the following outlines the significant progress that has been made on each of the 8 Points Plan.

Point #1 - Develop policies in conjunction with the Town of Tecumseh: Annual meetings are held with the Town of Tecumseh and Town of Lakeshore where sewer system issues are discussed.

Point #2 Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy: To date, 7,053 subsidy payments totalling $15,145,309 have been issued to subsidy applicants since the program’s inception.

Point #3 Disconnection of Weeping Tiles: As part of the Sewer Master Plan, priority areas for initial pilot program are being identified.

Point #4 Sewage Ejector Pumps: As part of the Sewer Master Plan, a policy requiring that new developments and new construction with basements be constructed with sewage ejector pumps as a means of reducing the risk of basement flooding is being recommended.