City Council - July 23, 2018

Decision Number: CR380/2018

That in order to undertake a series of major projects aimed at reducing the likelihood of future flooding, City Council approve the following recommendations:

  1. THAT City Council APPROVE the submission of an Expression of Interest, for the projects identified in this report, to Infrastructure Canada (INFC) for the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF); and,

  2. THAT City Council SUPPORT the matching funding for the City’s portion of the project, as outlined in the Financial Matters section of the report; and,

  3. THAT if the City is invited to complete a full DMAF application for the project the following recommendations are APPROVED:

    1. That the Chief Administrative Officer BE AUTHORIZED to execute any agreements, declarations or approvals required to submit an application, or resulting from receiving grant funding approval, to the DMAF program; and,

    2. That City Council APPROVE the use of up to $15,000 in funding from the Sewer Surcharge Reserve Fund to obtain a third party to assist with writing the full application; and,

    3. That City Council APPROVE the following funding sources for the City’s matching portion of the project upon written confirmation of being awarded the DMAF grant:

      1. Funding from ECP-035-07 in the amount of $9,131,000 previously approved and identified for Matthew Brady Phase 2 ($70,000), Belle Isle View Phase 1 Wyandotte E. / St. Rose ($50,000), Bell Isle View Phase 2 St. Rose / Edgar ($190,000) and Riverside Vista ($8,821,000); and,

      2. Funding approved in principle in the 2018 Capital Budget in the amount of $13,400,000

        from ECP-035-07 for Matthew Brady Phase 2 ($2,460,000), Belle Isle View Phase 1 Wyandotte E. / St. Rose ($1,500,000), Belle Isle View Phase 2 St. Rose / Edgar ($2,800,000), East Lawn Wyandotte E. / Edgar ($2,790,000), Matthew Brady Phase 3 Wyandotte / St. Rose ($1,850,000) and City Wide Sewer Rehabiliation 2023 ($2,000,000) be PRE-COMMITTED for immediate use starting in 2019; and,

      3. That a placeholder of $6,550,000 each year from 2024 to 2028 from the City Wide Sewer Rehabiliation Program be ESTABLISHED and further that these placeholders be APPROVED as pre-committed and available for immediate use once the funding year falls within 5 years.

  4. That in the event the City receives written confirmation of the Grant funding being awarded to the City, the Project’s costs are within their respective budgets as outlined in the Financial Matters section herein, implementation of the Project does not result in a need for additional city funding not already approved by City Council and where the Grant provider confirms that expenditures as of that date are eligible, then City Council APPROVES the following recommendations:

    1. The funding sources for the City’s portion of the project as outlined in the above recommendation; and,