The following projects will commence shortly:

The following projects will commence in 2021 or later :

To date, all projects are meeting the anticipated DMAF 1 Program schedule projections. Overall, based on the expenditures made to-date, the DMAF Program is approximately 5% complete. Should the impacts of COVID19 affect the anticipated timelines, this will be reported in a subsequent update.

Progress Reports with updates on the construction progress, fiscal year cashflow projections, any issues/risks and mitigation measures, etc., are due to Infrastructure Canada twice per year over the life of the Program.

The full DMAF Program of projects must be completed prior to March 31, 2028.

Risk Analysis:

There are no critical or significant risks associated with the recommendations in this report.

Financial Matters:

An overall budget of $89,784,560 has been approved for the DMAF 1 Program (CR380/2018). Of this total, an estimated $32.1M in DMAF grant funding is anticipated, or 40% of eligible project costs, along with estimated Enwin Recoveries of $2,412,869.

Allocated funding has been assigned to the individual projects based on high level cost estimates. As part of the 2020 Capital Budget approval process, Administration received