minutes to move. When the trucks enter the site from Drouillard or are driving in the lot the air is filled with dust making it hard to breath for pedestrians. The dust attaches to our cars, homes, sidewalks, and roads making our neighbourhood look filthy.

Allowing a trucking terminal will counteract the effort of the Ford City Traffic Calming Plan and the Ford City CIP. Drouillard road is limited on ways to reduce traffic. This is evident in the traffic calming study proposal conducted by Dillion Consulting. Since there are limitations on the ability to calm traffic on Drouillard the city needs to be diligent on preventing the types of land use that will further exacerbate the problem. A transport terminal does not align with the Ford City CIP written by the City of Windsor. A trucking terminal will impact the safety and walkability of our streets for the residents, businesses, and visitors.

Thank you for your time,

Kayla Lessard