Expense Categories 2019 $000's 2018 $000's Increase (Decrease)$000's Significant Factors (approximate $)
General government 56,057 58,077 (2,020) Reduced City acquisitions of vested properties, partially offset by increased actuarial valuation of post-retirement benefits.
Protection to persons and property 188,077 174,218 13,859 Increase in Police expenditures of $6M due to first full year of the Amherstburg police services contract, $2.2M increase in Fire expenses and $4.7M increase in the actuarial valuation of post-retirement benefits and WSIB liability.
Transportation services 107,654 107,388 266 Generally consistent.
Environmental services 80,810 78,814 1,996 Increase in EWSWA landfill post-closure laibility of approx. $5M offset by slight reductions in flood mitigation measures of an operating rather than capital nature versus 2018.
Health services 15,196 15,495 (299) Land Ambulance costs generally consistent with a small reduction of Health Unit costs.
Social and family services 271,740 284,899 (13,159) Reductions in provincial grants reduced expenditures in child care by $5.7M and housing by $6.7M.
Recreation and culture 68,134 68,422 (288) Generally consistent.
Planning and development 8,151 16,810 (8,659) The City's final contribution of $8 million to the University of Windsor's renovations of the downtown Armouries building was a one-time event in 2018.
Total Expenses 795,819 804,123    
Annual Surplus 61,897 40,671
Accumulated surplus, beginning of year 2,264,701 2,224,030
Accumulated surplus, end of year 2,326,598 2,264,701

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