SITE PLAN CONTROL Council shall require all development within areas designated as Industrial and Business Park to be subject to site plan control, with the exception of Public Open Space uses.

HERITAGE CONSERVATION Council shall encourage the conservation and adaptive reuse of historic and/or architecturally significant buildings within areas designated as Industrial or Business Park in accordance with the Heritage Conservation chapter of this Plan. 

CONTAMINATED SITES Council shall encourage the redevelopment of contaminated Industrial or Business Park sites in accordance with section 5.4.8 of the Environment chapter of this Plan. 

AREAS IN TRANSITION Council may support the redevelopment of older and/or abandoned Industrial or Business Park areas to other land uses provided: 

  1. the proponent can demonstrate that:
    1. the redevelopment of the area would not be detrimental to other Industrial or Business Park uses still operating in the area; and
    2. the redevelopment of the area is in keeping with the long term transition of the entire area to similar uses;
  2. the environmental conditions of the site do not preclude development (see Environment chapter); and
  3. subject to an amendment to this Plan that is consistent with the appropriate policies for the desired land use.

HIGH QUALITY DESIGN Council shall require a high standard of architectural and landscape design for Industrial and Business Park designations adjacent to the Highway 401 corridor given its visibility along an international gateway, in accordance with the Urban Design chapter of this Plan.
(added by OPA #60–05/07/07-B/L85-2007–OMB Decision/Order No.2667, 10/05/2007) 

6.4.3 Industrial Policies