SEVERANCE OF SECOND UNIT PROHIBITED The severance of a second unit located within the primary dwelling unit or within a building accessory to the primary dwelling unit is prohibited. (Amended by OPA122 - APPROVED November 21, 2018, B/L#148-2018)

HEIGHT OF ACCESSORY BUILDING CONTAINING A SECOND UNIT ABOVE A GARAGE An application to allow a maximum height of up to 8m through a minor variance may be considered where the external second unit is proposed to contain all of its habitable space above a garage subject to the following criteria:

  1. The height of the second unit does not exceed the height of the primary dwelling;
  2. Significant trees and plantings are preserved on the subject property; and
  3. Any adverse impacts to the streetscape or abutting properties are addressed through the second unit design and siting
    (Amended by OPA122 - APPROVED November 21, 2018, B/L#148-2018)

CREATION OF LODGING HOUSE The combination of lodgers (i.e. persons provided with lodging for hire) within the primary and second dwelling units must not constitute a lodging house as defined within any City of Windsor by-law.
(Amended by OPA122 - APPROVED November 21, 2018, B/L#148-2018)

6.4 Employment

Employment lands provide the main locations for business and industrial activities. In order to strengthen Windsor's economy, meet the land and infrastructure needs of employment activities and address concerns over compatibility, employment land uses are provided under two designations on Schedule D as either Industrial or Business Park.

The following objectives and policies establish the framework for development decisions in Employment areas.

6.4.1 Objectives

POSITIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT To ensure Windsor continues to be an attractive place to establish businesses and locate employees. 

ASSESSMENT BASE To expand Windsor’s assessment base by attracting employers and economic development.