1.8    Energy Conservation, Air Quality and Climate Change

1.8.1    Planning authorities shall support energy conservation and efficiency, improved air quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change adaptation through land use and development patterns which:

  1. promote compact form and a structure of nodes and corridors;

  2. promote the use of active transportation and transit in and between residential, employment (including commercial and industrial) and institutional uses and other areas;

  3. focus major employment, commercial and other travel-intensive land uses on sites which are well served by transit where this exists or is to be developed, or designing these to facilitate the establishment of transit in the future;

  4. focus freight-intensive land uses to areas well served by major highways, airports, rail facilities and marine facilities;

  5. improve the mix of employment and housing uses to shorten commute journeys and decrease transportation congestion;

  6. promote design and orientation which: