b) airports, rail facilities and marine facilities and sensitive land uses are appropriately designed, buffered and/or separated from each other, in accordance with policy 1.2.6.   Airports shall be protected from incompatible land uses and development by:

  1. prohibiting new residential development and other sensitive land uses in areas near airports above 30 NEF/NEP;

  2. considering redevelopment of existing residential uses and other sensitive land uses or infilling of residential and other sensitive land uses in areas above 30 NEF/NEP only if it has been demonstrated that there will be no negative impacts on the long-term function of the airport; and

  3. discouraging land uses which may cause a potential aviation safety hazard.

1.6.10  Waste Management     Waste management systems need to be provided that are of an appropriate size and type to accommodate present and future requirements, and facilitate, encourage and promote reduction, reuse and recycling objectives. Planning authorities should consider the implications of development and land use patterns on waste generation, management and diversion.

Waste management systems shall be located and designed in accordance with provincial legislation and standards.

1.6.11 Energy Supply

1.7 Long-Term Economic Prosperity

1.7.1     Long-term economic prosperity should be supported by:

a) promoting opportunities for economic development and community investment-readiness;