The Chair expresses concern regarding how is a “community champion” defined and what are we trying to achieve as a committee.

S. John questions how is the community identified and, do we develop a list of organizations to approach as marginalized communities have been overlooked. She suggests ensuring translators are available to those who want to participate who may not speak English fluently. G. Jones responds if there are individuals who are attending a session where translation or interpretation is required, there will be interpreters on hand or video remote interpreting terminals will be available.

M. E. Bernard advises the City of Windsor is the lead on the Windsor Essex Local Immigration Partnership (WELIP) organization and adds she is the Project Manager. She reports WELIP would be a good partner in working with various cultural groups. She further notes that if the Diversity Committee develops a survey, it can be sent to the WELIP and then onto their partners.

S. Colley-Vegh states she is in favour of hosting a diversity day and the idea of “diversity champions”.

In response to a question asked by Councillor Sleiman regarding if a questionnaire has already been developed, G. Jones responds the first step is to determine the method for the consultations and who will be consulted. Following that, the committee will assist in the process in developing the questions.

G. Jones requests the Diversity Committee assist in developing the process and questions to engage the community. S. Bhuiyan asks if he is able to submit his own questions.

G. Jones suggests a subcommittee be established to develop ideas to move this project forward.

Moved by S. Colley-Vegh, seconded by S. John,

That a subcommittee BE ESTABLISHED for the purpose of developing questions to the community that will provide information for Phase 2 of the Diversity and Inclusion initiative and to showcase the City of Windsor as an inclusive and welcoming place.


The following members volunteer to sit on the subcommittee – R. Al-Saadi, K. Gautam, S. John, S. Bhuiyan and L. Carty.

5.2 Update – Access Without Fear – City of Windsor

G. Jones suggests Gemma Smyth, Associate Dean, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor be invited to attend the next meeting of the Diversity Committee.