Declarations of Conflict
None disclosed.
4. Adoption of the Minutes
Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by S. Colley-Vegh,
That the minutes of the Diversity Committee of its meeting held October 29, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented.
5. Business Items
5.1 Phase 2 of the Diversity & Inclusion Initiative – Community Focused portion of the Initiative
G. Jones provides an overview of the next steps as follows:
In June 2018, the City of Windsor adopted Phase 1 of the Diversity & Inclusion Initiative. Phase 1 encompassed the “inward” looking portion that addressed matters such as city policy, the workforce census, staffing and enhanced training.
Phase 2 is scheduled to begin by year’s end, which is the “community” portion of the Diversity & Inclusion Initiative.
There is a need to have community and stakeholder consultation and engagement to help determine our detailed plan on how to provide inclusive and welcoming services to our community.
Engage the community to ask pertinent questions as to what they see as important to make the city an inclusive and welcoming place. Also ways to promote education and awareness and to decrease racism and discrimination
A number of municipalities were researched to determine best practices and some cities use online surveys, which if used without other engagement techniques are not always effective as not enough people are reached.
The City of London did a “call for applications” to the community and from that chose “diversity champions” who would agree to volunteer and engage in three different consultations.
The City of London also struck a diversity and inclusion steering committee comprised of their Diversity Committee members, administrative resource and key individuals from the community.
Some municipalities hosted diversity and inclusion roundtable discussions.
York Region developed a community inclusion charter, which is a written commitment with various stakeholders from the community.
The Town of Ajax hosts a Diversity Exchange event annually that includes presentations and discussions.