Council Report: C 167/2020

Subject: Tender 105-20 – Strabane Avenue Rehabilitation – Central Ave to Riverside Dr. E - Ward 5


Date to Council: August 24, 2020
Author: June Liu-Vajko
Technologist III
(519) 255-6257 ext. 6339
Infrastructure & Geomatics

Design and Development
Report Date: August 17, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SW/13899 

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


TENDERER:                    Sherway Contracting (Windsor) Limited 

TENDER NO:                  105-20 

TOTAL TENDER PRICE:    $1,423,041.00 (excluding HST) 

ACCOUNT CHARGED:      007-5410-9998-02942-7152000


THAT the CAO and City Clerk EXECUTE the contract with the low tenderer, with said contract being satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, satisfactory in technical content to the City Engineer, and in financial content to the City Treasurer.