and the funding has been returned to the original funding sources. Further details on the impact of this on the City Hall Civic Plaza / Esplanade project is outlined in the Financial Matters section of the report.


This project is being undertaken in order to provide conceptual designs of the Civic Esplanade as well as design and construction of a new public open space as part of the Civic Square.

This report discusses the City Hall Square Plaza and Civic Esplanade portion of the ICIP-CCR project. The pedestrian connection at Riverside Dr. will be reviewed as part of developing the conceptual designs for the Civic Esplanade. This report primarily focusses on the first phase of the project, Programming and Conceptual Designs. A phased approach to delivering this project has been pursued in order to mitigate risks associated with timing, funding, and the ICIP-CCR grant application. This is discussed in the risk section of the report.

The former 350 City Hall building has been removed and the vision for the new Civic Square includes a new plaza. The objective of the project is to construct an inviting, flexible, multi-use, context sensitive outdoor space that balances the needs of City Hall and the public. The new space will connect 350 City Hall and the 400 building physically and visually to the Civic Esplanade and reinforce the objectives in the Windsor Civic Square Urban Design Study Masterplan and Design Guidelines and the Windsor City Centre Revitalization and Design Study.

The City Hall Square Plaza (CHSP) is the southern anchor of the Civic Esplanade and the design and programming of the new plaza will affect the existing conditions of the Civic Esplanade. For that reason, the Civic Esplanade will be reviewed and a conceptual design will be adopted to update the vision for the Civic Esplanade and to set priorities moving forward.

The CHSP has been identified to be located on the site of the former 350 City Hall building. This project is multi-faceted and involves the input and knowledge of many of the City’s departments.

Consultants will be retained to complete the necessary background studies (i.e. impact assessments, geotechnical investigations, archaeological investigations, etc.), undertake public engagements, develop conceptual and detailed design, assist in the tendering process, and provide construction administration duties.

The Planning Department and Corporate Projects will work together to deliver this project in 2 phases.

Phase 1 Programming and Conceptual Design for the CHSP and Civic Esplanade