an income of approximately $250,000 annually under a 20 year agreement with the IESO.

As of May 31, 2020 this system has:

2. The City has installed two additional PV systems under IESO FIT 3.0 at the following locations.

  1. WFCU Center - 500 kW system, commercial operation date August 2016.

  2. Transit Windsor - 500 kW system, new commercial operation date January 3, 2018.*

As of May 31, 2020 the two systems have:

* - The Transit Windsor PV system was destroyed by a tornado in August 2016; one week after the system was commissioned.

** - Revenues include $250,000 from loss revenue insurance recovery.

3. The City had received contracts from IESO to proceed with two PV projects under FIT 5.0 at the Parks and Recreation Maintenance Yard and Little River Pollution Control Plant. These projects would have generate approximately 480,000 kWh of electricity and $100,000 annually under a 20 year agreement with IESO. Unfortunately the Provincial Government cancelled the small FIT program in June 2018.

B - Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant Turbo Blowers

Air blowers are used in the aeration process at water treatment plants. Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant installed two turbo blowers in October 2015 that are saving approximately 1,480,000 kWh or $255,000 (combined energy and demand costs) annually with a payback period of 3.1 years.

As of May 31, 2020 this project: