Currently, as a result of departmental and corporate reorganizations, Job Evaluation reviews and to ensure the comparator positions are a proper representative of all service areas across the Corporation and across all non union salary grades the following changes to comparator positions are being recommended to Council by both the Consultant and the Committee:

1. The position Naturalist and Outreach Coordinator (NU0210) was included during the last salary market review survey and was determined to not have any matches within the comparator municipalities, therefore it is recommended this position be replaced with Coordinator, Dietary & Nutrition Services (NU0577). The position of Coordinator, Dietary & Nutrition Services was chosen to increase the number of positions in salary band NU10 and increase the comparator positions from the Community Development and Health portfolio. The NU10 salary band represents 10% of the total number of positions on the non union salary schedule, the current comparator position NU10 is represented by only 4% of the positions, therefore it is important to increase the number of positions in the NU10 salary band. Within the current comparator position list the Community Development and Health portfolio makes up only 8%, to gain a better representation of the area it is important to increase the number of comparator positions in NU10 and within the Community Development and Health portfolio.

2. Two comparator positions have been eliminated from staff establishment due to departmental reorganizations since the last salary market review. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the Supervisor, Payroll (NU0541) and the Manager, Development Applications (NU0304), both eliminated from our structure, and replace with the Manager, Payroll (NU0109) and the Manager, Public Service – Windsor Public Library (NU0586). The Manager, Payroll was chosen in order to have a payroll position within the review. The position Manager, Public Services – Windsor Public Library was chosen as the Committee identified a gap as no other library position is included as a comparator.

The position of Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief were both included as part of the last salary market review, the Consultant has recommended removing the Deputy Fire Chief and replacing it with another non union position within the Fire Department. Therefore, it is recommended to Council that the Deputy Fire Chief (NU0048) be replaced with the Emergency Planning Officer (NU0051). This position was chosen as it was determined to give a better representation of the Fire Department rather than simply looking at the top two positions. This also expanded the number of comparator positions in the NU10 salary band as identified above as a concern.

Risk Analysis:

As per the CANUE Terms and Conditions of Employment, the Salary Market Review for 2017-2018 is to be completed using the agreed to methodology to ensure the most appropriate results. Both the Committee and CANUE are in agreement that the methodology will remain consistent with the exception of a change to one comparator