Council Report: C 128/2019

Subject: Non Union Salary Market Comparison 2017-2018


Date to Council: July 8, 2019
Author: Vincenza Mihalo, Executive Director of Human Resources
519-255-6515, ext. 6259;
Human Resources
Report Date: June 18, 2019
Clerk’s File #: AS2019

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the Terms of Reference for the Salary Market Comparison Review Working Committee for the 2017-2018 salary market review BE RECEIVED for information; and,

THAT Council APPROVE a change to the comparator municipalities used in the 2017-2018 salary market review, while maintaining the total number of comparator municipalities at 13; and,

THAT Council APPROVE a change in the comparator positions used in the 2017-2018 salary market review, while maintaining the total number of comparator positions at 68; and,

THAT Council RE-AFFIRM the Salary Market Comparison for the Non Union, Senior Management Team, Corporate Leadership Team and Chief Administrative Officer.

Executive Summary:



In November 2005, City Council first established the mandate to conduct a compensation or salary market comparison every three (3) years, based on a recommendation made by the Hay Group in its “Final Report to Council on Non-Union Compensation Programs”. Council re -affirmed the practice of undertaking a review of the non- union employees’ compensation every three (3) years upon approving in April 2008 a target pay at the 65 th percentile of the market, effective January 1, 2007.

Additionally, the Corporation entered into an agreement with the Civic Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE), signed April 1, 2010, whereby a market salary review would be completed every three (3) years commencing in 2010, and that salaries would be maintained at no less than the 50 th percentile of the comparator municipalities