11.6.3 Zoning By-law Amendment Policies

AMENDMENTS MUST CONFORM All amendments to the Zoning By-law(s) shall conform with this Plan. The Municipality will, on each occasion of approval of a change to the zoning bylaw(s), specify that conformity with the Official Plan is maintained or that the change will be in conformity upon the coming into effect of an amendment to the Official Plan.

REVIEW PROCEDURE All applications for Zoning By-law amendments shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, and regulations pursuant thereto, and the procedural requirements of this Plan. In general, after an applicant’s pre-application consultation meeting with municipal staff and submission of an application that is determined to be complete, all applications shall: 

  1. Be circulated to appropriate agencies and those agencies be provided with sufficient time to respond;
  2. Be advertised and be presented to the public and the views of the public ascertained at a public meeting to be held in accordance with the Planning Act; and
  3. Be given due and thorough consideration by Council.

EVALUATION CRITERIA When considering applications for Zoning By-law amendments, Council shall consider the policies of this Plan and will, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, consider such matters as the following:

  1. The relevant evaluation criteria contained in the Land Use Chapter of this Plan, Volume II: Secondary Plans & Special Policy Areas and other relevant standards and guidelines;
  2. Relevant support studies;
  3. The comments and recommendations from municipal staff and circularized agencies;
  4. Relevant provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines; and
  5. The ramifications of the decision on the use of adjacent or similar lands.