promotion of active transportation through the incorporation of bike and pedestrian facilities. Based on this, the continued implementation of the preferred alternatives within the Central Box ESR, as well as other recently completed ESR’s should result in a compound mitigation against some effects of climate change over the life cycle of the municipal infrastructure being constructed.

Climate Change Adaptation:

In 2018, the City of Windsor, together with our partner municipalities and under the direction of ERCA developed a new regional guideline for stormwater management [Windsor/Essex Region Stormwater Management Standards Manual – by Stantec Consulting, Initial Publication dated December 6, 2018]. One of the driving factors for the creation of the new standard was to attempt to address more significant rainfall events being realized as a result of climate change in our area. Detailed Engineering Design completed as part of this project will be required to be done in accordance with this new standard as it relates to stormwater management.

Financial Matters:

The table below provides estimated costs for this phase of the Howard Avenue project based on the scope of work and cost proposal submitted by Dillon Consulting for RFP88-20:

Under CR269/2020 Council pre-committed $2,934,000 in 2023 and 2024 for property acquisition as well as the engineering work included under RFP88-20.. It should be noted that the costs relating to required property acquisition will be realized prior to the commencement of construction, and have not been included in the above design and procurement costs. Including estimated property acquisition costs, it is anticipated that there is sufficient funding in this project to move forward with this stage of the project.

Under ECP-003-08 there is also $8,666,000 identified and approved in principal for construction in 2026 and 2027 for this phase of the project. Following procurement Administration will report back to Council with a request to award the construction tender to the successful proponent. Updated financials will be brought forward at that time for consideration.