Field Services Recovery Revenue: ($100,000)

A deficit of approximately ($100,000) is estimated for 2020 related to recovery revenue shortfalls attributable to unrecoverable work completed such as 311-call response, Police requests, and reduced recoveries for construction field services due to construction delays in 2020.

MTO Registered Owner Requests: ($125,000)

A deficit of ($125,000) is estimated for 2020 related to the cost of registered owner requests with the Ministry of Transportation related to parking tickets. The registered owner requests were behind schedule due to software issues and staffing levels in 2019,

Roll Off Truck Service Revenue: ($160,000)

A deficit of ($160,000) is estimated for 2020 related to the new roll off truck service revenue uncollected in 2020 due to delays purchasing and receiving the new truck required for the new service as approved during the 2020 budget deliberations. In addition to the standard purchase delays due to budget approval schedules and truck build processes, additional delays will be experienced due to the ongoing pandemic.

Streetlight Maintenance Contracted Services: ($230,000)

A deficit of ($230,000) is estimated for 2020 related to contracted services for streetlight maintenance due to the higher cost of maintaining aging infrastructure.

Garbage Collection Costs – Contracted Services and Landfill Tipping Fees: ($515,000)

A deficit of approximately ($250,000) is estimated for 2020 related to landfill tipping fees because of increased garbage tonnage of approximately 6% to date as a direct result of the ongoing pandemic. An additional deficit of approximately ($265,000) is estimated related to the City’s contracted services for the collection of increased garbage also directly attributable to the ongoing pandemic. This includes additional collection resulting from the one-bag garbage limit increase in April and May of this year and increased residential garbage to date.

Parking Ticket Revenue: ($688,000)

A deficit of approximately ($688,000) is estimated for 2020 related to a reduction in parking ticket revenue resulting from an average reduction of ticket issuance of 46% from March to August and a projected reduction of 25% for September to December, directly attributable to the ongoing pandemic.


Public Works Administration will continue to monitor budgets closely and will mitigate variances within the Department if feasible. Budget issue submission will be considered for items that are expected to continue beyond one-year/one-time should there be no available budget reductions to facilitate a reallocation of currently budgeted funds.