The total departmental year-end variance is projected to be approximately: ($21,000) Deficit

Salary and Wage – All Staff and Students: $952,000

A projected overall surplus of approximately $952,000 is estimated for 2020 related to salary and wage for all staff and students. The projected surplus is the net total of the surpluses and deficits expected related to salary and wage gapping due to a number of vacancies across the department resulting from retirements and staff appointments into new positions offset with the hiring of extra staff to accommodate heavy work load situations where required. Of this projected surplus, $306,000 is attributable to the ongoing pandemic with salary and wage savings for staff on unpaid leaves of absence due to the ongoing pandemic and to savings related to students as a result of a delay in hiring for the 16-week summer term in 2020.

Corporate Fleet Costs – Fuel, Licencing, and Parts: $565,000

A surplus of $565,000 related to fuel, licencing, and parts costs in the Fleet Division is estimated for 2020. The variance projections are based on reduced consumption and pricing of fuel to date as well as a reduction in parts purchases and reduced licencing costs resulting from prorated licencing deferrals implemented by the Province. $553,000 of this projected surplus is directly attributable to the ongoing pandemic.

Winter Control: $350,000

A surplus of approximately $350,000 is possible for 2020 related to the winter control service should Windsor experience average winter conditions in the latter part of the year. The final variance is dependent upon actual winter conditions and resulting service in the final quarter of 2020.

Contracted Services – Parking Enforcement: $100,000

A surplus of approximately $100,000 is estimated for 2020 related to reduced payments of parking enforcement services directly attributable to the ongoing pandemic. Full service is expected to resume during the latter month of September onward in 2020.

Gravel Maintenance: ($25,000)

A deficit of ($25,000) is estimated for the year ended 2020 resulting from additional gravel work required during the year to address safety conditions related to gravel shoulders along EC Row and other high volume roadways throughout the City. Additional gravel road maintenance is also required to prepare gravel roads in advance of the winter season.

Containerized Collection Revenue: ($63,000)

A deficit of approximately ($63,000) is estimated for 2020 related to the containerized collection revenue collected from school boards directly attributable to the ongoing pandemic and school closures from March to June 2020.

Miscellaneous Operating Supplies: ($82,000)

A deficit of approximately ($82,000) is estimated for 2020 related to miscellaneous operating supplies required because of the ongoing pandemic and requirements for additional PPE, in-office supplies, in-vehicle supplies etc.