Item No. 7.5

Council Report: CM 22/2020

Subject: Compliance with Applicable Laws & Regulations, 2020 Q3 - City Wide


Date to Council: October 26, 2020
Author: Marco Aquino
Executive Initiatives Coordinator
519-255-6100 ext 6477 
City Treasurer
Report Date: October 2, 2020
Clerk’s File #: AF/11247

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION the Status Report on Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations, 2020 Q3.

Executive Summary:


Administration reports quarterly on the status of compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


Departments/divisions were asked to verify compliance by using the Microsoft Outlook voting feature by selecting statements indicating either compliance or non-compliance. Additionally, department/division heads were asked to indicate if any items should be added to or deleted from the listing. If an item was not in compliance, the department/division was instructed to provide a description of the implications associated with not meeting the required deadline.

Appendix A is a listing of items identified by administration that require compliance with applicable laws and regulations / inquiries received from government agencies as of September 30, 2020. Email confirmations of compliance were received from departments as outlined above.