Item No. 7.3

Council Report: CM 24/2020

Subject: Ministry of Labour (MOL) Orders issued to the Corporation March 5th 2020 - City Wide


Date to Council: November 9, 2020
Author: Julie Ryckman, Manager of Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness
(519) 255-6515 ext. 6408;
Vincenza Mihalo, Executive Director of Human Resources
(519) 255-6515, ext. 6259;

Human Resources
Report Date: October 16, 2020
Clerk’s File #: GP2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION this report from the Executive Director of Human Resources with respect to a Proactive Ergonomic Initiative conducted by the Ministry of Labour (MOL) and one order issued to the Corporation by the MOL at Crawford Yard on March 5 th 2020 as a result of this initiative; and further,

That Council and Administration BE MADE AWARE that Public Works Operations and the Human Resources Department have taken action to address this order at the time it was identified and in doing so the Corporation did not appeal this order.

Executive Summary:


On March 5th, 2020 MOL Ergonomist, Amir Estulin, conducted proactive inspections at a number of corporate sites as part of the Ministry of Labou r’s ongoing Ergonomics Initiative. The inspection sites included Crawford Yard, at 1531 Crawford Avenue, Traffic Engineering located at1269 Mercer Street and a roadway worksite on Roxborough Boulevard and where a crew was repairing pot holes. The Field Visit at Crawford Yard included a tour of the garage area, tire shop and inventory store. As part of the tour the MOL Ergonomist noted a blue 10 foot mobile platform ladder which they determined to be damaged, posing a risk of a worker tripping or falling on the step. The Ergonomist issued an order to the Corporation to maintain the ladder in good condition. The damaged ladder was removed from the work area and stored in such a manner that no worker could use the ladder until it could be removed from the workplace.