addressing COVID-19 exposure as well as the precautionary measures and standards established and implemented by WFRS. Based on their investigation the MOL Inspector determined that the reason for the refusal did not meet the requirements of Section 43(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and no further action was taken by the MOL in relation to this report.

5. A field visit was conducted by the MOL on May 1 st in response to an anonymous complaint regarding failure to ensure social distancing is maintained by all at a worksites; failure to limit public access to the City Hall Campus sites and failing to acquaint workers with hazards present in their newly assigned deployment positions.

The Inspector was provided with documentation to verify the precautionary measures in place to safeguard workers at the City Hall Campus sites including training, policies and procedures, postings, provision of personal protective equipment, hand sanitizer and enhanced cleaning process, and the presence of onsite uniformed security personnel to limit the flow of the public into the site and screen members of the public. As result of this site visit no further action was taken by the MOL in relation to this complaint.

6. A field visit was conducted by the MOL on May 13 th at WFRS to re-assess the COVID-19 policies, procedures and work instructions that were previously reported to the MOL during their investigation of a work refusal April 8 th 2020. Topics reviewed included with the Inspector included: Information and Instruction to Workers; Social/Physical Distancing Measures; Screening Measures; Cleaning and Disinfecting practices; Personal Protective Equipment. In addition to the above-noted topics, documentation on Notices, Orders and Standard Operating Procedures implemented were provided to the Inspector. As result of this site visit no further action was taken by the MOL in relation to this information.

7. A field visit was conducted by the MOL on June 4 th 2020 to the WFCU site to investigate a complaint. The anonymous complaint allege that social distancing is not being enforced by the employer as it relates to newly hired student workers and that equipment being used in training these workers is not being properly sanitized.

In discussions with the MOL Inspector and workplace parties it was discussed that COVID-19 policies and procedures would continue to be reviewed with the workers and enforcement action taken where necessary. As result of this site visit no further action was taken by the MOL in relation to this complaint.

8. A field visit was conducted on June 10 th at the 400 City Hall Square East site in order to address a work refusal. The refusing worker is concerned about coming in contact with infectious airborne particles in the course of their work. As a result of their review of the information provided by the workplace parties, the MOL Inspector directed the Corporation to resume their stage one investigation of the refusal in an attempt to resolve the complaint. Following on the Inspector’s directions, the Corporation in consultation with CUPE Local 543 and the refusing worker were able to reach a resolve.