TELUS Communications Inc.

Response Letter

35m Self-Support Telecommunication Facility

14 September 2020

follow local land use authority (municipal) policies relating to municipal and public consultation for proposed telecommunication facilities. TELUS is following the City of Windsor’s policy and process for proposed wireless telecommunication facilities, which includes public consultation and a submission review process, which concludes with either a letter of support or non-support. The City’s policy requires notification of neighbouring municipalities only where a proposed facility is located within three times the antenna height of the other municipality. The proposed facility is not located within this distance to another municipality. For more information please refer to the City’s policy and process at the following website: Information/Pages/Telecommunication-Cell-Towers.aspx

For more information about ISEDC’s policy please visit this website:

Following completion of public consultation LandSolutions will submit a package on behalf of TELUS to the City of Windsor, which includes an application for a Site Plan Approval and request for concurrence (letter of support) for the proposed facility. A consultation summary and all public feedback and responses will be included in this submission package.