The intormotion presented in this synopsis repornt is based on 0 review of the comprehensive study, other research and diiSsCcuUssssiion with experts. It highlights hazardous materials transportation issues oafttfecting tour restricted hazardous materials route segments in Wayne County, ranging from the types (classes and divisions] of hazardous materials to the levels of risk and relative numbers of hozmot shipments. This synopsis acknowledges the risks of hazardous materials transport to the motoring public, property owners, the environment, critical infrastructure, local communities, and the citizens of Michigan and Canada. The transportation of these materials, however, is essential to deity lite and the economic vitality of Wayne County and the state of Michigan. Therefore, reasonable restrictions and added safeguards that address potential risks are essential. Sotety continues to be a primary concern.

MDOT prtoposes that the existing routes be modiftied to re•ect the proposed recommendations presented in Section 9 0oft this synopsis repon. In some cases, the use aot effective ptrotective measures, including escort vehicles on limited routes and possible tIime-ooll''doy restlticlions, would be acceptable as reasonable approaches to reduce risks. By reviewing various studies and analyses, MDOT evaluated existing hazardous materials routes with respect to suitability ftor the transportation of specitic hazardous moteriots/substonces and the potential impact on each of tour routes in the event ot a crash and potential release or spiit"l of these materials. Based on the research and the review of many factors

for sate routing 0t hazardous

maotertioals, MDOT developed proposed recommendations for the selected routes. These proposed recommendations are highlighted in the chart that follows:



Ambassador Bridge

[Detroit] from Porter Street



to Canada [Windsor]

Windsor Tunnel [Detroit] from Jefferson Avenue




7 and 8

to Canada [Windsor]

State Route M—1 0 [Detroit]

From Howard Street to

Woodward Avenue [Under


and 3

Cobo Hall (approximately I mile)]

State Route M—tO [Detroit] from 8 Mile Road [South]


0nd 3

to Wyoming Rood

*Note: See Table 7 for information regarding Class 6.2 and Class 7.