Table 7 summarizes the proposed recommendations for hazardous material restrictions ond/or changes on the selected hazardous moierioIs routes.

Table 7. Proposed Recommendations for Hazardous Materials Restrictions on

Selected Hazardous Materials Routes"

*NOTE: For Partial Clasns and Other Re ulu•om Apply, there are no roecommendalions wWiltlh» respecl Io Iransporrrba•on of Class 6.2 (Infect•ious Subslancaes) or Class 7 (Radioactive Maltaerials) as I ey have other regullaah•‘ons ”IhIa!l apply. Generally, tIhe transportation of Class 6.2 and Class 7 mavrenri'al is rigorously controlled and subject to skid restric•ons.