
Ti m e Definitions

1) Personnel Rates Shown

as Straight Time

ST rate and Double Time (DT) is

charged at

(ST) Rates. Overtime 2 times the ST rate.

2) Straight time (ST) will be billed between 0700 hrs and 1500 hrs, Monday through Friday. Overtime

(OT) will be billed for hours worked before 0700 hrs and after 1500 hrs Monday through Friday day Saturday. Premium time (DT) will be billed for work performed on Sundays and all Federal holidays.

and all

3) Daily rates are based on one Equipment and Pump Systems hour day.

(1) twelve (12) hour shift. with the exception of Marine Response which are charged at the applicable hourly rate over a twenty four (24)

4) Emergency Response Services will be invoiced pursuant to Marine Pollution Control Emergency Response Rate Schedule, Effective March 1st, 2019.


5) Rates for international projects are determined on a case by case basis. depending upon a number

of factors, including but not limited to. nature of project, location of other factors.

project, duration of project and

6) Prevailing Wage rates are not included in the above rates.