attached Emergency Response Plan, Spill Prevention and Contingency Speci•cally, see paragraphs 6.1(d),

10 (inclusive), 11(f)-15.

Provide information showing DIBC employee/contractor knowledge of spill prevention and cleanup requirements for the various hazardous materials and substances such as explosives, in•ammable, corrosive, oxidizer, biologic, toxic or radioactive.

DIBC has Pollution contracts for hazardous materials emergency response services

with Marine

Control (Detroit

The contracts prevention and and other side) and Superior Environmental Services (Windsor side). information showing those contractors’ knowledge of spill

cleanup requirements for the various hazardous materials and substances such as explosives, in•ammable, corrosive, oxidizer, biologic, toxic or radioactive is attached as Ex. 13.

In addition, please see the Contingency Plan, paragraph attached Emergency 16. (Ex. 11).

Response Plan, Spill Prevention and


DIBC will need to provide MDOT with a “hold harmless” agreement stating that in the event of a hazardous material spill or release into the Detroit River, all costs associated with cleanup e•’ort will be borne by DIBC. MDOT and the State ofMichigan will not be liable. DIBC will agree to indemni•/ MDOT and the State of Michigan in all lawsuits arising from such a spill or release. This agreement is subject to the review and approval of the Attorney General.

DIBC has requested a proposed

“hold harmless” agreement from MDOT.

Co mm uni ty Eng agement

In lieu of conducting several public meetings as part of a showing commitment from the community, a signed letter of support for lifting the restriction •om the following locally elected representatives of the community will be accepted.