On August 4-5, and 9, 2020, the Detroit Fire Department undertook and around the American side of the Ambassador Bridge. During

training exercises on the course of those

exercises, all standpipes were pressurized and water was brought to the midpoint of the

dry stand pipes, with a

The system in place is included above.

uses dry stand pipes with a pumping system.

Additional information

Co nt in gency Plan


that will be taken


the bridge during an incident as well as any a release to prevent or contain pollution.




attached Emergency Response Plan, Spill


(Ex. 11).

On the traf•c maintenance plan, please see


On speci•c measures that will be taken during a

Prevention and Contingency paragraphs 6.1(c), 6.1(e), and release to prevent or contain

pollution, please see paragraphs 8-11 and 11(t) through 15.

2. If there is a •re or a hazardous materials spill, provide plans describing

what actions will be taken after cleanup to ensure the bridge is safe for tra•ic.

Please see the attached

Emergency Response Plan, Spill Prevention and Contingency

Plan, paragraph 11(1). (Ex. 11). This Plan has been reviewed by Marine Pollution Control, one of DIBC’s hazardous materials emergency response contractors. Comments provided by Marine Pollution Control have been implemented into the Plan.


Provide MDOT with routes.

the proposed

hazardous materials routingplan, including secondary

Please see Ex.

12 (Routing Plan).

Ha zard ou s Spill M itiga t i on/Cle a nup Plan:



indicating what mitigation e•orts are or will be in place to hazardous materials from spilling o•the bridge directly into the Detroit River, City ofDetroit or City of Windsor storm sewer systems.

prevent and the