6. GENERATOR NUMBER. If the materials that are being removed or cleaned up are identi•ed by the federal government and/or any applicable

state or local governmental authority as

”hazardous" or “liquid industrial waste”, then, as a condition precedent to the performance by MPC of this agreement, Client shall provide MPC with the generator number that is provided by applicable governmental authority of which is otherwise required by law. Until such time as Client has obtained a generator's number, MPC shall be allowed to either store the materials on Client's property where the materials were removed or at such other location at Client's cost.


represents to MPC that it will provide a true and correct description ofthe materials to be handled by MPC hereunder and further advise MPC of all known or suspected hazard and risk incidental to the handling, transportation and disposal of said materials. In the event the scope of work includes the transportation of hazardous substances, then Client shall also select the disposal or treatment facilities to which said hazardous substances are to be taken. MPC SHALL NOT SELECT THE DISPOSAL OR TREATMENT F ACILITIES.



MPC represents that it will

comply with all applicable governmental laWS, regulations and ordinances in performance of the

work described under the scope of work.


REGULATORY REPORTING. Client acknowledges that it may be required to report regulated conditions at the Site to the appropriate public authorities, including the Environmental Protection Agency and/or other State or Federal Agencies, in accordance with applicable law. Client indemni•es and holds MPC harmless from any requirement to report such condition.

10. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall

commence on the date set forth above and shall continue for a period of one (1) year. Upon expiration of the initial term of this Agreement or any subsequent renewal, this Agreement shall be automatically renewed for an additional one (1) year unless terminated by either party by giving written notice to the other at least thirty (3 0) days prior to the end of the initial term or each subsequent renewal. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, either party, for any reason, may terminate this agreement by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of the termination.


perform the services hereunder and will do so in a safe and workmanlike manner and in with all governmental laws, regulations, and orders.


12. CH ENT’S WA RRAN'I‘IES. Client represents and warrants to MPC that (i) it will

provide a

true and accurate description ofall known hazardous substances to be handled by MPC and further advise MPC of all known or suspected hazards or risks incidental to the handling, transportation, and disposal of said substances; (ii) it shall select the disposal or treatment facilities that said hazardous substances are to be taken; and (iii) it will, if deemed necessary by MPC, secure all necessary approvals, judicial and/or administrative orders necessary to ensure MPC's legal access to the site to perform the work.